
Excited for what's to come--or exhausted by everything you have to do?

You love being a coach and giving everything to your calling , but . . .

Between going after your goals, building your brand, working with clients and making it all look good for the algorithm, you're starting to lose your shine. 

You say that you'll slow down, once you make six figures, once you launch your new program, once you get out of your own way. But you've been pushing yourself for a while now and you're not sure how much more you can give.

And you're probably thinking

"Having support would be great BUT . . . "

I can figure this out on my own.

While you'll always be your own expert, an outside perspective can offer new insights and strategies you might not have considered. With your own coach on your side, you'll be able to uncover blind spots and accelerate your growth.

I've already spent SO MUCH money.

This coaching experience will help you build on your progress and keep your momentum strong--only this time with your health and well-being in tact. Think of it as an opportunity to leverage your past investments to achieve even more substantial outcomes.

I already have enough on my plate.

Understandably, your plate is full. Hiring a mentor is a strategic choice to help you optimize your time, energy, and focus. Through personalized strategies, we can streamline priorities and make space for your personal growth as a coach.

Imagine if you could . . .

  • Have energy throughout the day to reach your highest potential with greater ease.
  • Feel supported and secure despite the inevitable ups and downs of entrepreneurial life.
  • Strengthen your intuition and have total faith in your chosen path.
  • Be absolutely confident in your skills and the value you have to offer.
  • Let go of where you think you "should" be and relax into where you are.

Who is this for?

This is for you if:

  • You're looking for a GROUP COACHING experience with three other coaches looking to support one another over the next two months.
  • You desire to serve your clients from a place of confidence, clarity, and calm. 
  • You're a solopreneur and your business depends on your ability to perform at your best. 
  • Your inner critic is on overdrive and you're tired of all the chatter.
  • You're ready to create space and release what is no longer serving your physical and emotional wellbeing.
  • You're excited to learn from someone who's been in your shoes and has come out on the other side.

What we'll cover 


Laying the foundation

  • Set goals for everything you're ready to focus on going forward
  • Welcome your body into the conversation and discover the wisdom it has to share
  • Learn how to maximise your impact through nourishment, movement, and rest
  • Bonus: Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle Guide
  • Bonus: Blood Sugar Balance Recipe Book


Reclaiming Your Space

  • Identify what's no longer serving you in your business and lovingly let it go
  • Recognize your needs and set boundaries with conviction
  • Simplify your day with supportive rituals and routines
  • Bonus: Better Boundaries Cheat Sheet
  • Bonus: Simplify Your Life Workbook


Living Out Loud

  • Turn down the volume on your inner critic so you can turn up your self-belief
  • Own your story and unleash your authentic voice
  • Feel confident and proud of everything you have to offer as a coach
  • Bonus: Radical Self-Compassion Masterclass
  • Bonus: 7 Daily Habits to Cultivate Authenticity


Embracing the Path

  • Identify your values and embody them through your work
  • Step up as a leader committed to a higher vision
  • Celebrate every step you've made towards your personal development and the phenomenal progress you've made
  • Bonus: Guided meditation pack
  • Bonus: Personalized affirmation cards

Hello and welcome!

If you've landed on this page, I'm guessing you're a brilliant heart-centered coach and healer who has big things in mind this year. You've done the groundwork when it comes to identifying your limiting beliefs and you've reached a point where you truly believe that ANYTHING is possible: a booked out client schedule, a book publishing deal, speaking gigs, financial stabilitity from doing work you love.

But here's the thing: no matter what you envision for yourself in 2024 and beyond, you'll need your emotional, spiritual, and physical health on your side. 

Burning the candle at both ends, being "on" 24/7, working against your natural rhythms and living from the neck up is not the way forward and you know it!

Imagine what it would be like to have an unshakeable faith in your unique calling, the confidence to share it unapologetically with the world, and the energy to get it all done with greater ease.

If that sounds like what you've been missing, then click the APPLY NOW button to join me. You're the only one who can walk your unique path, but you don't have to complete the journey alone. 

You've mastered survival mode. Are you ready to finally feel safe and supported? Now's the time.

Working with Coach Jolinda

Jolinda is one of the best coaches in the world to support recovery from burnout and supporting the courage needed to step into a thriving way of being.

She held me as I began to make different choices about how I used my energy and spent my time, letting go of what was no longer sustainable in my life.

Her presence is calming, her questions are soul-evoking and cut through the bullshit. I love the way Jolinda holds space.

- Jenna Robertson, Life Coach and Consultant

Working with Jolinda has been one of the most liberating and awakening experiences for me that resulted in uplevelling in so many areas in my life, relationships, career and business.

Especially as a woman of colour, I've felt so held, seen and free to be by the safe space Jolinda has created for me and grateful for the incredible value and support she provides as a mentor.

Thank you so much Jolinda for witnessing ALL of me and for creating this space for me to flourish and grow.

- Marlous Teh, Leadership, Mindset, & Energy Coach

This program will change your life and how you choose to move through it.

I’ve experienced positive changes in everything from my confidence in my Blackness, in my womanhood and how I am now holding space for my own clients as a life coach.

The best part of working with Jolinda is her gentle, yet strong leadership. I want to be able to model the way she allows for people to turn up as themselves, unapologetically. So grateful that I said yes to this experience!

- Khetsiwe Giles-Rowley, Life Coach

Here's What You'll Get  

8 x 90 MINUTE GROUP COACHING SESSIONS EVERY TWO WEEKS so that you can feel fully seen and supported on the way to reaching your goals

8 x GUIDED MEDITATIONS (INCLUDED IN EACH CALL) so that you can ground into your body, release your stress from the day, and come into the container with clarity and calm

8 x ORACLE CARD READINGS so we can get greater insight and connect with your higher self in each session

Exercises, recommendations, and supplemental material so that you can dive deeper into the themes we discuss and work at your own pace between sessions 

A digital Trello board so that all of the exercises and recommendations discussed are kept in one place, making it easier to go back and reference throughout the series and beyond 

Unlimited Voxer (voice note) support with Jolinda so that you never feel alone


Jolinda Johnson is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, a Certified Life Coach, and Priestess dedicated to supporting coaches and healers who want to fulfill their unique missions with renewed energy, spiritual connection, and unshakeable confidence on their side. She is also the author of Resilience: 10 Ways to Recover from Burnout and Exhaustion (Welbeck, 2023).

Jolinda personally designed this program for brilliant coaches just like you who want to keep shining their light in the world without burning themselves out in the process.

In addition to running her own business, she is also a Support Trainer for the Beautiful You Coaching Academy and received the Beautiful You CEO Shine Award in 2021.

She has been featured on the cover of Inspired Coach magazine and can be found on the popular websites Healthline, Tiny Buddha, and Yahoo Finance.

What is the investment?  


$720 USD


$180 USD x 4 months


1) How will prioritising my well-being help me to maximise my impact?

Regardless of how much you love your work as a coach, it's all too easy to get burnt out (especially if you're running your business as a solopreneur). Learning techniques to manage stress and nurture your wellbeing can help you sustain your passion and give you the energy you need for a longer and more fulfilling career.

Plus, lower stress levels mean greater focus and creativity. You'll be excited to learn new coaching skills and be able serve your clients on a whole new level.

2) I'm not full-time in my business, but I work as a coach and/or healer. Can I still join?

Yes, absolutely! Being full-time in your business doesn't discount your need for what we'll be covering in this program. Everything we discuss will be well suited to your needs as well.

3) How do I pay?

All payments can be made via PayPal using a PayPal account or any major credit card.

4) Are all sessions held online?

Yes. Every session is held via Zoom ensuring that you can participate from anywhere in the world. All you need is a strong internet connection and a pair of headphones.

5) How many people will be in each group?

You will be one of FOUR people in the group which means everyone will have the opportunity to share, be witnessed, and receive support.

6) When do we start?

Applications are due April 18th. The first session will either be Wednesday, April 24th or Thursday, April 25th.